2025 Call for Presenters

The WAI Education Committee is currently reviewing abstracts. At the completion of the process, you will be notified via e-mail of the status of submitted abstracts.

The WAI annual conference brings together a diverse array of aviation professionals, enthusiasts, and key stakeholders from around the globe. Attracting more than 5,000 participants from over 15 countries each year, this annual event serves as a platform to celebrate and empower women in the aviation and aerospace industry, fostering networking opportunities, professional development, and community engagement. 

Attendees at the WAI conference are individuals from all backgrounds and professions within the aviation and aerospace sector. While predominantly female, the conference also welcomes male attendees, highlighting the inclusive nature of the event. Attendees span from students and young professionals to seasoned veterans in the aviation and aerospace industry, with the average attendee being 30-39 years old.  

Our Commitment

Women in Aviation International is the largest organization in the world dedicated to increasing the number of women involved in all areas of aviation and aerospace. Our conference is focused on providing programs that support the goals of our organization, which include: 

  • Investing in our current and future global workforce 
  • Building a diverse and inclusive aviation and aerospace industry around the world 
  • Inspiring women and girls to pursue careers in aviation and aerospace 

Your Commitment

Presenters at the WAI conference develop and deliver presentations that are relevant, innovative, and thought provoking.  Presenters must complete all the requirements of participation by the deadlines provided and ensure they are well prepared for their presentation on the day of their session.  

Submissions must clearly demonstrate the following:


  1. The topic of the session must be relevant to the aviation industry and/or women in the workforce today.

  2. Attendees must relate to the content and apply what they have learned in their roles.

  3. The topic must be something that WAI conference attendees will find meaningful. 


  1. The subject matter should be cutting-edge or present new ideas.

  2. The content should provide a thought-leadership perspective for the conference attendees.

  3. Content should be presented in a creative and engaging way. 


  1. The abstract and title of the session must clearly and concisely communicate its intent. 

  2. Learning objectives must be clear and well-defined.
  3. The learning objectives of the presentation should clearly support the selected track, as well as the stage within the Lifetime of Programs (Youth Programs, Initial Training, Workforce Entry, Mid-Career, or Experienced Professional – see definitions below). 


  1. Presenter bios and photos must be submitted along with the abstract by August 2, 2024. 

  2. If selected, presenter agreements must be signed and submitted by October 11, 2024.

  3. Presentations must be submitted in their final format no later than February 21, 2025.
    No edits to the presentation will be allowed after this date. 

Those who miss the deadlines are subject to removal from the program at the discretion of WAI.   

All presenters commit to becoming members of Women in Aviation International by January 1, 2025.  Non-members are not eligible to present at WAI conferences. 

Session Types

Presenters indicate the type of session they plan to present at the time they submit their abstract.  Any changes to session type and/or number of presenters must be submitted in writing to WAI for approval. All time frames are firm, including any Q & A.

One-Hour Presentation: 1-2 Speakers (maximum of 2 presenters)
For this session type, WAI will provide a room with a projector, screen, podium with microphone, and one additional microphone.  

One-Hour Panel Discussions (maximum of 4 panelists and 1 moderator)
For this session type, WAI will provide a room with a projector, screen, and podium with microphone.  Also, the stage will be set with up to 4 banquet chairs and up to 2 handheld microphones.   

Half-Day Educational Workshops
For this session type, presenters must have experience teaching engaging and interactive hands-on professional development training. Only three will be selected.  
Any changes to session type, number of presenters, stage set, and/or request for additional equipment or stage set desired for the session must be submitted in writing to WAI and will be subject to approval.
No changes will be considered after February 21, 2025.  

Learning Tracks for the Conference

Please note: The suggested titles below are neither complete nor restrictive, but rather are intended to stimulate ideas and describe timely topics that might be addressed in session proposals.   

Career Development

  • How to Stay Relevant in Today’s Market for Seasoned Professionals    

Emerging Technologies

  • How Artificial Intelligence and Aviation are Working Together
  • Electric Aviation/Sustainability

Leadership Skills 

  • Negotiation Skills Are Critical for Success in Your Career and in Your Life 
  • Communicating Like a Leader 

Maintenance/Tech Ops

  • Importance of Allyship in Tech Ops
  • Understanding the Path to a Maintenance Career 


  • Transitioning from Military to a Civilian Career
  • What Are Opportunities for a Military Helicopter Pilot in a Civilian Role 

Health & Wellness

  • Peri-Menopause/Menopause Can Be an Empowering Phase in Your Life
  • Signs of Career Burnout 

Lifetime of Programs Categories

According to Flight Plan for the Future, the report by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Women in Aviation Advisory Board, a complex system of barriers impedes the recruitment, retention, and advancement for women in aviation and aerospace. The Board’s report outlines these barriers and describes how they compound over time without intervention. Most importantly, the report offers recommendations for strategic interventions at every step along a woman’s journey in the industry.  Women in Aviation International is taking action by implementing several of the solutions identified.  

Our strategic focus is to provide a Lifetime of Programs that provide support our members at every stage of their journeys in aviation and aerospace. The 2025 conference presentations will support that focus. With that in mind, our sessions will now be categorized to reflect the stages of WAI’s Lifetime of Programs that the session will support.  

Youth Programs 

Research shows that by the age of 10, many girls are already considering their future career choices. These sessions should present topics that spotlight successful STEM education programs that spark an interest in STEM in girls. Note: this is not a track for children—it is intended for those interested in STEM education programs.   

  • Creating STEM Education Programs That Girls Love  

Initial Training 

Young women who choose to concentrate on male-dominated courses of study in college often face barriers to learning. These sessions should present topics that address these barriers. 

  • How to Thrive When You’re the Only Female Student in the Classroom
  • Campus Initiatives that Create Welcoming Environments for Female Students 

Workforce Entry

Entering the aviation and aerospace industry can be exciting and intimidating all at the same time. Many women express frustration as they attempt to be seen and heard in this phase of their careers. 

  • Did I Make A Mistake? How to Thrive as You First Enter a Male-Dominated Environment  
  • The Importance of Speaking Up 


Mid-career is the most common stage women choose to leave the aviation industry. Presentations should explore reasons for this phenomenon and present solutions. 

  • How to Advocate for Yourself as Your Career Advances
  • Negotiating Skills 

Experienced Professional

Presentations should address the challenges faced by those who have reached the top of their career trajectory. 

  • Mentor or Sponsor? Giving Back to Support Those Who Are Coming Up in the Aviation Industry
  • What’s the Best Way for Men to Support Women in the Aviation and Aerospace Industry?

Top-rated Conference Presenters

WAI regularly polls attendees following each conference session. Any presenter who receives an average score of 4.75 or higher on the session surveys will also receive special formal recognition from WAI, a digital badge to share on social media, and will be listed on the WAI conference web page at the conclusion of the conference. This score will be calculated from the average score of the questions on the mobile app session survey that are specifically related to the presenter and the presentation. At least 20% of attendees at the session must respond to the session’s survey in order to qualify.

Benefits of Presenting 

As an international nonprofit organization with more than 20,000 members in 120 countries, WAI is the largest organization in the world dedicated to increasing the number of women involved in all areas of aviation and aerospace. You can be a part of changing the face of the aviation and aerospace industry by providing crucial education and inspiration to the audience at the WAI conference.  

Presenters who are selected will also receive the following benefits:

  • Special discounted conference registration rate
  • Experience presenting at the largest three-day gathering of women in aviation and aerospace focused on connecting, engaging, and inspiring

  • Opportunity to be a part of the growth and advancement of women in the aviation industry

  • Networking opportunities with over 5,000 aviation professionals

  • Opportunity to earn the recognition of a WAI Top Rated Presenter 


When will I find out if my proposal has been accepted?

You will be notified whether you have been selected for the program by September 20, 2024.  

Can I still submit a proposal after the Call for Presenters has closed? 

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept any submissions after the deadline has passed. 

Can I have multiple colleagues present with me?

Each session can have a maximum of 2 speakers. If you are interested in presenting a panel, please select panel as your presentation type when you submit your proposal. Panels can have up to 4 panelists and moderator. 

Do I have to pay for my conference registration?

Yes, all presenters will be required to register and pay for the conference. Presenter registration information will be sent to all presenters who have been accepted for the conference program.  

How can I make my submission stand out, so it has a better chance of being accepted?

Abstracts including  information on past presentations that you’ve given will have an advantage. Experienced presenters that know how to engage an audience will be able to provide a quality experience to our conference attendees. Try to stay away from academic/theoretical learning objectives. Make sure your submission includes actionable takeaways; practical guidance attendees can immediately apply when they are back in the office. If possible, use real world examples and case studies. We always get more great submissions than what we can include in our conference program. Our selection committee looks for submissions with clear and concise learning objectives that align with the abstract. Make sure your submission is not a commercial or sales pitch.  Our subject matter experts quickly eliminate anything 'sales pitchy' or vendor specific. We also receive a lot of similar submissions, and with a limited number of accepted sessions, the selection committee must pick the sessions and the presenters they think best address the topic. Be original and make your proposal stand out! And remember, the annual WAI conference draws an experienced audience passionate about aviation/aerospace. 

Does WAI pay for presenter's travel costs and lodging?

WAI is unable to cover this cost. WAI education sessions provide presenters with the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise, knowledge, and experience, as well as to network with colleagues for business development purposes. 

Will I receive feedback about my session? If so, when should I expect to receive it?

Yes, at the end of your presentation, make sure to remind your attendees to complete the survey in the official WAI conference app. It takes about 4-6 weeks to compile and calculate the session survey results. You will receive an email from  WAI  with your session survey results and any comments from attendees.